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Big Easy Painters Blog

How to Choose the Right Paint Finish for Every Room in Your Home

A lot of that magic lies in choosing the right paint finish. It’s not just about the color; your paint's finish can dramatically affect your space's ambiance and durability. Whether it’s the gloss ...

DIY vs. Professional Painting: Which Option is Best for Your Home?

Almost 80% of the homeowners feel painting is a DIY task, while half of them end up hiring a professional halfway into the process. Painting is about quality, time, effort, and cost. Big Easy Pa...

How to Prep Your Walls for a Flawless Paint Job

To achieve a flawless paint job, it's essential to spend some time prepping your walls. This includes cleaning, repairing any damage, and applying a primer. Taking these steps will not only ensure ...

Trending Interior Paint Colors for 2023

The world of interior design is constantly evolving, and each year brings new trends and styles. As we approach 2023, it's time to start thinking about the hottest interior paint colors that wi...